भरतबन्धु थापाको क्यामरामा कैद नेपालको सौन्दर्य

भरतबन्धु थापाको क्यामेरामा कैद नेपालको सौन्दर्य #himalayatvhd #bharatbanduthapa

Posted by Himalaya TV on Saturday, March 5, 2022

About Photographer

About Photographer

Name: Bharat Bandhu Thapa

Birth: 1980 Dec 9 (Dailekh,Manghar)

Working : Onlinekhabar (Senior Photojournalist)

Experience:  Avenues Television (Presenter), Setopati (Photo Journalist), Himal Khabar(Photo Journalist), Rajdhani Daily, Nepal FM (Has been active in photojournalism for the past 20 years)

Published Books : Panchakoshi Dailekh (Dullu Nagarpalika -2023) , पञ्चकोशी दैलेख (दुल्लू नगरपालिका -2023), Nepal In Images ( Nepal Academy -2022), Western Nepal(Nepal Canada Tourism Culture & Trade 2021),तस्बिरमा नेपाल (नेपाल प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठान 2021), ,गन्तव्य मध्यपुर(मध्यपुर थिमि नगरपालिका-2021), Destination Madhyapur ( Madhyapur Timi Nagarpalika-2021) ,Explorer Far West (Tourism Development Society-2021) ,कर्णाली (पर्यटन मन्त्रालय,कर्णाली प्रदेश 2020) ,गन्तव्य कर्णाली (पर्यटन मन्त्रालय ,कर्णाली प्रदेश-2019),Wild West Nepal (Himalayan map House-2013)

Travel: India),China), Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France & Switzerland

Awards: Taan Sagarmatha Journalism Award-2017 (Trekking Agencies’ Association of Nepal ), Hem Sunil Risky Journalism Award-2074 (Nepal Television), Dawa-Nurvu Journalism Awar-2019 (Nepal Mountaineering Association), Jansewashree Medal-2079 (Government of Nepal), self Bhagwan Rajkumar Maharjan Memorial Journalism Award-2079  (Nepal Journalist Federation Bhaktapur )

Tourism Ambesdor of FNCCI, Karnali Province (नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघ – कर्णाली प्रदेश )

Goodwill Ambesdor Of  Vitof Nepal (गाँउ पर्यटन प्रर्वद्धन मञ्च नेपाल)

Nature Ambesdor of Gorkha Tweed (www.gorkhatweed.com)


About Photographer

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